
from: melda bağdatlı
title: latest model
form: text; electronic text file

Latest model

We (all of us) were flowing-travelling at a different speed in time. We were passing by each other quickly. Voices were like a humming. Passing of the faster one by the slower one was dizzying– especially for the slower one.

Air squeezed and sliding between us due to friction was not chilling, it was just shivering. As if everything was stunning and transparent.

Stopping and asking a question was like stopping over for a rest. You were asking a person travelling at the same speed as you to spare two minutes. Then you were checking the buttons of your trousers or your shoelaces –because nothing could stay the same at this speed– before continuing to proceed; sliding, motioning, keeping silent...watching with an endless hunger...wondering.

Even if the hair of the persons sliding by you was worn because of getting blown away, it wasn’t noticeable.

The heavier ones were more comfortable; their clothes were not deforming, their eyes were not watering because of the speed. But they were cold. They could see less, so they were bored.

When we did not find a person travelling at the same speed to talk to, and it was a frequent situation, there was the possibility of forgetting how to speak. It was a kind of syndrome. It was being studied.

Pieces of the evolution have already fallen into place. The speed had formed (changed) everything. Energy was just some food.

The feet were wheels, the arms were a windshield...The ears needed to be aerodynamic. Empty spaces needed to be rest areas and parking lots for a short time.
We (all of us) were strong and muscled. We had to.