
from: nevin
subject: coming down to plazas
form: text; e-mail letter

There is sadness in the air
Blood on the wall
Mourning in the heart
Silent shouts
Disturb the ears
Faces are sullen
Teeth are tight
A bitter silence
He prepared with care and ambition
for meeting the people
is the time too early,
do the hearts can’t stand the visit
where are they?
He wants to speak
to agree with
to tell
why one LIES TO DIE
He is ready with
his guerilla styled black trousers
and his casual clothing
for everything
At once
he will run for freedom
in front of the crowds gathering in files
by breaking the doors of all coffins
While the official court jesters
listening to songs in the halls
the plazas were moaning
He wanted to meet with the masses
to talk
to agree with
to tell
the Yellow Asia
the Black Africa
the swift America
the old Europe
He wanted to tell
that love is born of darkness and death
and erases pitch darkness before creating the light
He could fit into that labyrinth
as much as a stampeding mare
could be reined
In which part of the play she stands
Is his role wrong
Tomorrow he will come again
and the day after tomorrow
and the next day
and afterwards
Neither that luminous faith on his face
nor that glitter in his eyes will fade
But he will lose her hope more
More and more every day
More and more