
from: esra kurt
title: mirror hung to the bare brick wall of hayal cafe in beyoğlu or your mirror, date 17 august 1998
form: text; e-mail letter

A group of women gather for a friend who will get married the next day,
They have a white a white shirt in their hands
(I mean that shirt will be worn by the future bride), so they want everybody to write something on it, Hakan Akçura writes not on the shirt, but on the brochure of Beyoğlu Theatre Summer Film Festival the following lines:

To Esra (before an abundance where she’ll make her path worth to take), delirium...

When you become ‘breakable’ from your blackest depth,
If what your back feels and your eyes are at the fork of a road and
if you don’t have a choice but coming ‘as you are’,
If the ‘passion’ is a stranger the way that eyeball turns around and makes the color of your eyes its own, the way it becomes yours, in spite of all those years
But if a kind of special heat called friendship lies in the souls of
a group of people,
and its mirror, the mirror independent from your wants,
are them once again in this life...
Then a threshold will have been passed when it is passed.
Males are in power most of the time, lies most of the time,
A threshold is something that can be returned from; even if
you have love, words, and a kind of color
May the fire be with you.